Blogger Tricks

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Jammer Wall + 1,000 Pageviews! ^.^

- Jammer Wall is here! Find out everything about it! ^.^

- AJN reached 1,000 Pageviews in 12 days :O

- Peacock graphic!

Hey there Jammers! It's Mimi here! I'm going somewhere, so I need to make this post really quick. Not short, but quick :P Anyway, I couldn't post yesterday, but I checked out Jammer Wall today!

It's a very fun way to connect with your buddies! You can even change the template of your Jammer Wall, the color and pattern of your box... Here's a picture!

Click to Enlarge

Also, when I was on Snowyclaw's Jammers Wall, I noticed something ...

Do you know that non-members can also comment on others' Jammer Walls, but just can't have their own? Make sure to check that out, Non-Members! :)

Anyway, we have some news! Guess what? Something incredible happened! 

AJN reached 1,000 pageviews! How amazing is that? Thank you so much, Jammers! I'm endlessly thankful! Although my goal wasn't actually to get a lot of pageviews, but to make a successful, informing blog, I'm seriously incredibly happy!

Also, since excavation site den items came out, here are the pictures! The new items are very interesting!

For the end, I made a peacock graphic for all of you, since they are now available in the Diamond Shop! Be free to use this graphic, but please give credit to me, Mimi5000, (or AJN)!

Well, that was all for this post! I hope you enjoyed! Bye, happy Jamming :)


  1. Nonmembers can still comment on other members' Walls, they just can't make their own Walls themselves. I've been commenting on Jammers' Walls and I'm still a nonmember. X3

  2. Congrats on the 1,000 page views! And fantastic graphic!

    1. Thank you, Panda! ^.^ You're the one who helped me a lot when I started AJN ^.^ I'm glad you like it! :)

  3. Hey mimi! You wouldn't mind checking out my new blog as things on ajf have got messed up some pages where deleted etc. loving the graphics!!

    1. Of course, I'll visit it! I think it's a gret idea to focus only on one blog, so I guess it's a lot easier for you now.

      Thank you ^.^

  4. Wow it took me ages to get 1,000 views how did you get them so quick man?

    1. I focus on keeping readets as long as possible, but also I share about my blog around Jamaa. It's a good thing to have a blogger friend who can spread the word about your blog!

      Also, maybe you didn't notice, but I made a sidebar banner for your blog! ^.^
